Thursday, September 30, 2010


With Chris out of town today, I didn't have a choice but to run on the treadmill. I hate hate hate treadmills! But, I am thankful that my sister has one in our garage and despite staring at the toolbox and refrigerator, I had a good little run. Tried to keep it between 5.0 and 6.0. Had to drop it down to 4.5 a couple of times because I was running out of breath....gotta love Austin and Ragweed!

Thinking about the Half Marathon and getting a little anxious today. Not because I have to run 13.1 miles, because I already know I can do it. It's just that HALF is just that, HALF of what I start training to do the FULL of the week after The Chosen Race. :o) OMG!! The thought of a full marathon just freaks me out! I "know" I can do it, there's just that other Gina inside of me that tells me I'm crazy for even trying to do it and that I will fail.

BUT, I will just keep pushin' along . . .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Overcoming my MIND!!!

I, like many of us, battle my mind in ALL I do! I can discourage my self so much that I forget how far I've come. So, I thought it would be a good idea to blog about my running journey so I can look back and feel encouraged that I'm moving along, no matter how slow of a pace I may have. :o)

It's MY race, MY pace.

So here we go!