Friday, December 31, 2010

4 Miles

Treadmills are the hardest for me. I hate watching the clock and yes, I cover it but STILL have to peek! LOL

Last short run before my very first 16miler on Sunday!!! Oh boy.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

8 Miles

Ugh, this run SUCKED tonight! I ate at Chick Fil A, had a wrap and half an order of fries along with WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much coffee and loaded with emotions. I ran down limmer loop, felt sick to my stomach the first 2 miles then thought I was being stalked and got creeped out, turning around at the 3 mile mark to head back into my neighborhood....felt like vomitting at the 5 mile mark and just kept asking myself, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS???? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE WITH THIS RUNNING STUFF?????"

Oh boy. Very discouraging run. Not sure if running is my "thing" or not. I feel really good after my long runs. I hate that it takes me at least 2.5 miles to get into my groove and start to enjoy it. Some days I feel strong. Some days I feel defeated before I even begin. Why do I ALWAYS feel defeated? Not good enough? running helping me or harming me. So many thoughts, my head is swimming.

Needless to say, feeling very emotional.
Feel fat.
Feel out of shape.
Feel grose.
Feel like a "Fake" runner.
Feel insecure.

Also have my period...yeah, this may explain alot.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This week is 4,8,4,16 and I WILL NOT miss a run. :o)

Today was rainy and cold so I jumped on the "dreadmill" tonight and destressed....WOW THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED!!!

Skipped 15

Yeah, yeah, I know...NOT GOOD.

It was the day after Christmas and I was RUN DOWN. Didn't get dressed or anything, sore throat and I am just NOT one of those troopers. If it were race day, different story. I just didn't want to sacrifice training by running myself even more ragged than I already felt. LOL


Skipped 3

Should have been 6

Went to run and was TRULY overwhelmed by the week....I know it's not an excuse but hey it was CHRISTMAS WEEK!!!! For me, I did what I could this week and it will just have to do.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 Miles

Treadmill today, figured I usually do 3 miles in 30 minutes so I added on 10 just to be sure. This treadmill in the garage doesn't show the mileage well. Time seems to take forever on that thing! LOL

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Long Run!

This week has been crazy!!! I gave myself permission to have a "bad" week in training. Chris was gone all week and we had a TON of holiday stuff going on with it being the last week of school before winter break. I thought a ton about just quitting the running thing and was given a pep talk by a friend and decided it was time to focus in and get it done! So instead of feeling discouraged, disappointed, not "good enough" and just sit around having a pity party, it was time to set my mind to SUCCESS!

I have a plan.
I have the capability to be fast and strong.
I will of course FINISH.
I am a runner.

So I took some advise, prettied up my plan and posted it to the fridge so I can highlight each week of success and completion!
So, I was only supposed to do 10 today but went a little further since I joined up with some other runner friends this week. Had an AWESOME run!!! Had a couple issues with my knee, but stopped to stretch and I was able to keep on going, even kick it up at the end.

I definitely do NOT like running in the cold but it's getting a "little" bit easier, I guess.

So here's to me being a firecracker! I'm ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 Miles (should have been 7!)

Well, since Chris is out of town, I only had 30 minutes to get a run in before I had to get Adrianna from school and the little ones were sleeping so my sister was able to help me out. I felt like crap the entire run...ate JUNK JUNK JUNK last night and today, DRANK NO WATER and all I kept saying to myself was "Garbage in Garbage out!". Felt queezy and very emotional. Happy with the time (best time yet for 3 miles!) but didn't enjoy the run. bleh.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 Miles

DANG IT!!! I was 3 SECONDS from getting under 10!!!!! Next time, next time! LOL

GREAT run! The 3 mile runs are actually getting "easy"!!!

Very cool.
Very cool.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

7 Miles

Well, it was AWESOME to have a long run with my buddy even though it was her last one, it was just GREAT to chat and catch up!! The woman is a CYCLIST, and a damn good one at that. She loves her bike like I love the pavement. It's time for her to focus on endurance cycling while I focus on endurance running. Looking forward to chasing her on her bike while I run on my feet! LOL :o)

Now that I got out the good part of this morning,let's talk about the suck ass part!!!!!!!!! I can barely type right now because I have no feeling in my hands. Why? Well, it's not because it was 40 degrees out, it's because I WALKED THE LAST 4 MILE HOME!!!!!! And it was FREEZING!!!!! Hit a rock, twisted my ankle and I guess popped my knee somehow. I tried walking a bit and running TWICE but COULDN'T. Yeah, I'm bummed but instead of focusing on it, I'm thankful that I had a great time and laughs with my Kimmers!!!!

On every road there comes a fork and we have to decide which path to take and not look back, so here we go Marathon...I am going to take you on and I will do it FAST with ALL I have! Cycling and Triathlons....not next year....sorry! :o)

So here's to you Kimmers!!! Spin Girl Spin while I Run Run Run. I wouldn't be at this place if it weren't for your initial investement and partnership with me! I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!!!! And I "will" be running behind your bike while training...LMAO!!! :o)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kick Ass 6 Miles!

After Monday's freezing Misery, today was KICK ASS!!! Ran the bike path down Carl Stern and back home. FELT AWESOME!!!! WAS SHOCKED at my time, had to take a triple take...LOL!!!

2 Miles

Froze to death, only got two miles in but it's better than nothing I guess. :o)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

12 Miles

Had a great run today! No bathroom breaks. Ran into Whataburger to fill up 2 water bottles and that was it. Took a 2x caffeine at 40 min and 3shot blocks at 80 min and felt good. Went through 48oz of water and need to hydrate for sure!

Started with 32oz of water on my belt and had bad backpain up to mile 4 so I won't be starting with 4 bottles anymore that's for sure! Going with only 2 from now on.

I think I maintained a good pace and still feel great so maybe next time I may push just a wee bit more. LOL

Thursday, December 2, 2010

5 Miles

Chris was out of town AND I had 3 sick kids home yesterday so no run for me! But at least I was able to sneak out before dinner tonight! Weather was GREAT, I came home sweaty...I like that! :o)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3 Miles

GREAT RUN!!! I froze my ass off and it was windy as all hell but I felt in a groove the entire time. No staring at the watch, just running.

Now, it was NOT FUN having the COLD wind against me most of the time or blowing at me from the side...sort of hurt my lungs and I SHOULD have brought water since I had no gum. Forgot my gloves too. Wont' make that mistake again.

*A-L-M-O-S-T* made it under 30 and would have if I didn't stop to let that stupid car creep across 79!!! LOL.....I KNOW I can do better time and realized this morning just how good my pace is getting! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

7 Miles

This was weird on my brain, the route we decided on. It seemed much longer and weird to run from Dunkin Donuts to the YMCA!!! LOL I tried my best to stay at a 12 to see if it made a difference on my lower back and if speed is the issue and I've decided IT'S NOT!!!! The pace was a little too slow for me and I found it distracting to keep looking at my watch to slow down.

Okay run.


Should have run 3 miles but hey, it was TURKEY DAY! I wanted to relax with Chris and get cooking/baking and I DON'T REGRET it! :o)

We had a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

5 Miles

Had a fantastic run this morning, despite the FREAKING WIND!!!! I'm starting to feel stronger and realizing just what I'm capable of doing now. Do I have a plan? No, not really. I stick with the Mileage from the Higdon plan but when I'm out there, I just run. I see a light post and pick up the pace til I get there, then slow down...speed up to the next building, slow down, etc. etc. and it just works for me.

This whole running thing truly is an individual sport and I'm starting to understand that more and more. I'm not going to focus on how this person is doing it or how that person is doing it, their pace, their heart just makes it too complicated for me. Don't get me wrong, I DO WANT POINTERS, I DO want ADVICE, but I NEED to just RUN! :o)

3 Miles tomorrow before I begin the Feast Cookin'....TONS to do today! :o)
Happy Hump Day!

Monday, November 22, 2010

3 GREAT Miles

Had an AWESOME run today!! Best time to date! The wind was torture so I tried to detour to go "with" the wind but that didn't work so I crossed 79 in the attempt to come back "against" the wind to then realize that I was going to go over my assigned mileage which forced me to run across the train tracks on a short little trail like run and back to was humurous to say the least. Ha!

Felt strong today...physically and mentally! What a FANTASTIC way to start my week!! YES!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Long Run?? eeeekk!

Well, today PROVED something to me.....I NEED SLEEP!!! I should have taken this week easier and on top of everything else..I'm just exhausted! Mentally, just BEAT DOWN and going to bed at 11 while waking up EVERY 45 MINUTES TO 1 HR last night just did me in! My lower back was killing me (probably just PMS), it was 38 degrees and I just could NOT do the 7 miles today. Kim was having a rough time too with her hip so we decided to turn around at the 2 mile mark and called it quits here.

Well, it is what it is.

We'll start fresh on Monday.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 Miles

I *hate* running in the cold....yeah I know I've said that before but I DO!! Maybe I'll get used to it. It was a good run but I just woke up grumpy which made it tough. I went faster than I probably should have for a recovery week but I just wanted to GET IT OVER WITH. Yeah, it was one of those mornings. Wish I could go back to bed! LOL :o)

Hey, they can't all be good runs, right?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

3 Miles

Legs were heavy and a little stiff but as usual, felt good at mile 2! :o) Had a good run this morning, even though I was FREEZING and huffing/puffing from the cold....brrrrrrrrr!

This week is 3, 5, 3, 9

Monday, November 15, 2010

Half Marathon Race Report

WOW! What an EXPERIENCE!!! This was my first BIG and FUN race! Cheerleaders every few miles, live music at every mile or so, TONS of people cheering us on, tons of handmade signs, cool compressions socks (I want some!), adorable skirts (argyle...SO CUTE!), a man standing in front of me (former Boston 112th place dude--saw it on his jacket) standing and just peeing before we started---yeah GROSE, LOTS OF PEOPLE CHEERING US ON (oh yeah I said that already....LOL...LOVED THIS!), awesome course, awesome vibe....JUST LOVED THE ATMOSPHERE!!!

Pushed myself and beat my previous time! I still CAN'T IMAGINE doing a full marathon since I felt wiped out crossing the finish line on this one! But hey I think I keep on proving to myself "If you want it, you'll get there!" - - - If you believe, you achieve - - - love this quote!

So some interesting things happened to me on those 13.1 miles of pavement pounding! Here's a sort of "recap" . . .

Mile 1: Shot right out of the gate, full of excitement trying not to trip over the clothing that was shed by the runners half way through the first mile.

Mile 2: Noticed a little ache on the left knee and shin (never had pain on this side!) so I slowed it down a bit and tried to settle in my groove. Thought it was so cool to see local bands jammin out! Signs already everywhere, people cheering!

Miles 3: Okay, I told myself, you just did a've got this, you feel good...keep on pushin and don't forget your gel at the 4 mile drink station SINCE YOU RAN WITHOUT WATER FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!

Mile 4: Took gel as I saw the water station ahead, perfect timing! Knew I did what I needed to do and started to think about a deep conversation I had with my Kimmers on the 2 hour drive down the day in another world and then I noticed.....

Mile 6!! Don't remember seeing the sign for mile 5. But all I knew is I HAD TO PEE BADDDDDD!!! And oops, a little bit trickled out, oh well, whatcha gonna do? I told myself I was almost halfway there...NO WAY I was going to stop!!! I took the advice from a magazine telling me to walk through the water stations, so that was ALL the walking I would allow myself on this race!

Mile 7: Took my Razz Cliff Shot before the water station...that was tough and realized I had a SUPER TIGHT jaw. I spit the gum out and started freaking a little wondering why it felt like my jaw was locked up!!! Strange. Drank the Citomax sports drink at every stop along with the water..felt totally fine other than the jaw thing.

Mile 8-10: Can't remember much except that I would feel the trickling again and since it was just a little bit, I chose to ignore it. At mile 10 I took another Powerade 2x Tangerine (I hate these things and MUST find a substitute!) and looked up to see I was right behind the 2:00 Pacer ----OMG I thought, can I do this in 2 HOURS???!!!!!! But sadly I realized there was just no way I could maintain that pace at this stage of my running without hurting myself and I am too focused on doing kick ass at The Austin FULL Marathon in February!!!!! :o)

Mile 11: I thought, hey only 20 minutes left...let's do it! Changed my music to some Red Hot Chili Peppers and just started to push through.

Mile 12: Okay big deal you are NOTHING compared to what I ran three weeks ago LOL! Oh the crowd, it was amazing!!!! I got a kick out of the signs and saw one that said Mind over got this....don't stop!!! This one was followed by "Running takes balls, other athletes just play with them! LOVED THIS AND LAUGHED OUT LOUD!!

Climbing the hill right at the end was tough, I struggled with my mind (don't know WHY it's so hard for me right when I'm SO CLOSE to finishing!!) but remembered the ladies who did this last year telling me that right at the top is the finish! So, I ignored the stupid sign saying "Only .68 left" ugh...that killed me! LOL

Boom Boom Pow came on, I put my head down, eyes forward and just felt SO STRONG in my legs screaming to myself....OMG I CAN SEE THE FINISH AND IT JUST TURNED TO 2:15 MY GOAL MY GOAL!! I knew I only had 60 seconds left so I pushed and made it!!!!!! 2:15:10

THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head was spinning, eyes were a little blurry, I was freezing, thighs were chaffed for the first time thanks to PISSING MYSELF, a girl put the medal over my head and I realized just how BIG I was cheeks hurt!!! :o) I went over to get my photo taken but it was all so foggy at that moment, all I could think of is I needed FOOD! HA!

Knees felt like they were going to buckle, I called Chris right away and wanted to cry when I heard his voice, I was just so happy to achieve this, to actually have a PR! I moved along, grabbed my Citomax, bagel, banana, Riceworks, Snickers marathon bar, and Mango bites and saw my friend Natalie. We went over to have a seat until Kimmers finished, peed IN a porta potty and that's it! I walked around like I had rode a horse the rest of the afternoon. Got home about 3, took a hot bath and was SPENT!

Why do I do this?? THIS IS WHY!! Finishing a race and feeling GREAT about my accomplishment is what keeps me wanting more. Sure I set high goals, but I do everything I can to meet them, secretly always hoping to beat them, do better than I expected! Scrappy, a little "Spitfire", that's what my friend Sabrina refers to me as and yep, I'll agree....that's me!

I'm finally realizing what it is about this running thing after opening up to Kim talking about my childhood, my past experiences, my need for some healing. Something that nobody can do for me, but proving to myself over and over again just how strong I am is GREAT for me! I am proving myself wrong....I'm not a "non finisher" .... I can be disciplined . . . I am good, and I mean good for other people, not just me ... I have courage ... and my heart and guts have never steered me wrong...what I believe and put my heart into, oh yeah I can achieve baby!!!

Here's to my running journey!! May I get stronger and faster!!

Yes Austin Marathon, I'm scared, but that fear is ALWAYS what drives me to conquer!!


San Antonio Rock n Roll 13.1

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I MET MY GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!

2:15:10 official time

Details to come!

Friday, November 12, 2010

3 Miles

Had a great run today! Happy with my pace, but definitely can't imagine maintaining that 3rd mile of 9.43 pace...I was huffing a bit. It was breezy but humid so there were some ahhhhhhh moments and some ugggghhhhhh moments with the weather. Wore the compression sleeve just to be safe since I have San Antonio on Sunday. Little bit of dull pain in my knee, but what do I expect when I pushed myself the way I did today.

I'm starting to be able to tell the difference between what dull pain and acute pain is...really helps me NOT focus so much on "injury" but definitely identifying the pain and moving on. I'm feeling positive at my ability when I can push through the "mental" part of it! :o)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

4 Miles

GREAT RUN today! I was a little nervous after my shitty Saturday run and later realizing I was hit with the stomach virus...ugh! BUT today totally encouraged me again. THANK GOD!!! Was overdressed for sure. It was 58 degrees and I totally could have just ran in my shorts and tank, did NOT need the arm warmers, gloves or hand band. Guess it was colder in the house. LOL

Took a look at San Antonio Race Day weather and looks like it's going to be Tstorms and in the 50s so looks like I'll just plan on wearing the shorts and tank. Did not take water and felt fine, still not sure about the 13.1 and my fuel belt again...we'll see.

BTW...NO LEG PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Miles

Monday: 11/8

Recovering from stomach virus and had nobody here to help with the kids so walked 2 miles instead. Better than doing nothing I guess. :o)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

4 Miles

I was supposed to do 5 yesterday but I just didn't have it in me. As the morning went on, I couldn't stay out of the bathroom...stomach virus HIT ME! No wonder, now I don't feel so bad about the run. It was HARD for me. Feeling better today, thank God! I am going to put together a strength training plan to incorporate into the Marathon Training. :o)

Friday, November 5, 2010

3 Miles

I skipped my 4 miler yesterday since I was experiencing a little pain. Realized today that I just had to push through it and did fine. I didn't feel like I really pushed myself today and am happy with the pace....who knows, maybe I'll one day consistently see 10 min/miles!

5 tomorrow and one week away from San Antonio Rock n Roll!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Seasoned, SMART Runners!

Okay so I just got off the phone with a Marathon Runner...seasoned, strong and smart! It can be so confusing, so overwhelming, and even spirit crushing when you run with others. On the flip side, it can also be very encouraging, motivating and fun too!

With alot of things in my life, I tend to see something working for someone and I think, "Hey, I'm going to try that!" and what I'm realizing about running is that I just can't do that!! I need to do what is best for ME, the way I am wired! I had a friend tell me after completing my Triathlon that I was holding back during that training and you know what? I guess I did. Something happens on race day and I just GO! I don't "compartmentalize" things, I don't "overanalyze" things, I do EVERYTHING in my life leading with my passion! I realized today that I'm different than MOST of my friends which is probably one of the reasons I adore them all like I do. But for ME, I WILL push through the pain, I will go the speed I want to go and will STOP worrying so much!

Here's to training MY WAY! LOL

I'm fired up now!

Heart Rate

You read so much about heart rate zones, all these different calculators, RHR, MHR, zone 1, zone 2, etc. etc....and it can be so overwhelming!!!

I have a couple of friends that don't train that way and then there is a little group of them that do heart rate train and I just don't know what to do! When you research Max Heart Rate on line, there are different calculators giving me different results and it's just frustrating!!!

I did find this one and it seems to speak the most clearly to me. Just not sure how I'm going to be training for this marathon yet. I may utilize this or I may just stick with running the mileage and paying attention to my body (aches and pains!)....

Oh boy!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

3 Miles

Today was hard for me. I had to keep my pace slow which I don't know WHY, but it's HARD for me to do!!! I want to go faster but my leg just won't let me. I'm struggling with the idea that I may be injured and not sure what to do. Pain in my calf muscle towards the inside to front of my right leg. I'm feeling frustrated today. ugh.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

7 Miles

I experienced my first "COLD" run this morning!! 43 Degrees and I WAS FREEZING! Joints felt tight! I never seemed to loosen up and I thought I really should have with those HILLS this morning!! Wore Nike Compression Capris, tank, Dri Fit long sleeve over it, Dri Fit Headband. NEED gloves for sure next time and I'm also going to try to do shorts, tank, arm warmers, skull cap to see how that works before San Antonio in 2 weeks.

Kept my pace slower since my calf has been hurting me after last week's race.
Felt good.
11/2 cups of coffee and a banana this morning. 4 oz of water during run.

*side note* GO TO THE BATHROOM before leaving the house even if I don't feel like I have to! :o)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 2

Cool morning, felt great. Legs still feel a little stiff, especially my lower right leg between my knee and ankle...not excruciating, but definitely aches...wonder how long this will last?

Tried to pace out each mile, 11, 10, 9:30.
Happy with 10:23 average! Showing improvement! :o)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 1 Austin Marathon Training

Today was Day 1 of Austin Marathon Training, Hal Higdon style! Our first week will be:


Should be interesting switching from runs by the minutes to runs by the miles midweek now. Here we go!

The Chosen Half Marathon

Details over here!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Now We Begin Marathon Training!!!

Kim and I before our 1st Half Marathon 10/23/10

This lady has been by my side from DAY ONE! She keeps me laughing, is always there at the crack of dawn knocking at my door or picking me up for a run, follows along on my crazy NEW plans/ideas! It all started with a little 5K, moved along to a 10K and jumped on over to a TRIATHLON (totally HER idea though!), now it's 2 half marathons in 2 weeks and then on over to our FIRST MARATHON in February!

We began with doing walk/run intervals and while training for this half, Kim agreed to ditch the intervals and straight up RUN! And we did it! WE ARE RUNNERS!!!! :o)

It only took 2 ladies and some crazy goals and here we are! Running with a buddy is the best and I HIGHLY encourage any of you out there with an idea to maybe try something NEW, grab a crazy friend and GO FOR IT! It is LIFECHANGING! We run for different reasons but I don't think either of us would be where we are if we were doing it solo.

So what's next for us? Hmmmmmm......Boston......Ironman......WHO KNOWS! LOL

Love you Kimmers!

Saturday, October 23, 2010



More details to come!

Garmin Time: 2:27:08
Miles: 13.15
Pace: 11:10


Friday, October 22, 2010

Tomorrow I RUN!

Tomorrow I run my FIRST HALF MARATHON!!! I am beyond excited! NOT nervous, EXCITED! For some reason I've totally been discounting this race, making it seem like it's NOT a big deal, but it IS! It's hard to feel like it's a big deal when some of my friends are doing the FULL at the same time. But I'm over it, for some reason, I am just over it. Just like that! I've prayed for my negativity to be lifted from my heart and IT HAS!!! I am joyous! I WILL CELEBRATE my success tomorrow. :o)

Adrianna made some signs for me (ALL ON HER OWN, NOT PROMPTED BY ME!!!) along with a bracelet for "good luck"! It has the first letter of everyone's name in the family and is the BEST gift I could receive! :o) I made TShirts for the kids, and yes I know it's probably a little silly since it's only a Half Marathon but I'm ME, I CELEBRATE EVERYTHING!

Even though I've run this distance twice during training this race is something's what I've trained for! I will finish, and I will finish STRONG!

After talking with a friend the other day I started thinking, "Why do I run?". It's a good question and I think the answer is much more simple than I thought. I wanted a reason that sounded "uplifting" , "motivating" , "glamourous" ....ha....but truth of the matter is, it's simple:


My life seems to have been filled with TONS of challenges, LOTS of obstacles to overcome, MUCH insecurity, and a whole lotta hope in what is to come. The theme in my life is typically, "knock me down, so I can get back up just a little stronger than I was".



Running has magnified these phrases for me.
It has made me realize my value.

You go out there with lots of stress, different things to think about and focus on and you leave it on the pavement!
Very wise words from a running friend of mine....SO VALUABLE!

So tomorrow while I line up with all my friends, some doing the half and some doing the full, I will be happy for them and encourage them along,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last run before the Half!

Treadmill by ginaauditore at Garmin Connect - Details

Well, that's it! With Chris out of town I had no choice but to hop on the treadmill in the garage and push out a quick 30 minutes as my last run before Saturday! I went today and got my gels and gum and am now all set! Going to attempt to make little tees for the kids with 13.1 appliques on them for race day since I didn't get around to making halloween shirts and now have 3 black shirts I bought last year...LOL! :o)

I've been working on my iPod, spent some time this morning praying about Saturday's run, praying for my calf muscle and drinking lots of water today since Saturday is going to be! Ha!

I would like to get my Garmin setup to beep at each mile and to beep if my heart rate gets too high...hopefully I'll get that done before we head out to New Braunfels tomorrow afternoon. I'm picking Adrianna up and heading to the hotel an hour and a half away, then joining friends at Carinos for pasta dinner! Chris will meet us at the hotel straight from the Austin Airport around Midnight (hopefully I'll be sleeping, but I doubt it!) Will mix up my Accelerade bottles for my fuel belt in the morning and pack up my gear!

  • 11/2 hrs before start, eat toast w/peanut butter and drink coffee.
  • 1/2 hr before start eat banana
  • I take my grose Tangerine Gel 2xcaff 40 minutes into the race
  • 80 minutes into the race I take my Razz Clif Shot (o caff)
  • Hour 2 I take another PB Tangerine, not sure if I need to be doing this or not but I felt fine during the 14 miler . Haven't decided if I'm going to do this or not but will bring it since you aren't supposed to do anything different on race day! :o)
Focus for today and tomorrow...drink my water!!


Monday, October 18, 2010

3 Miles

Hated the humidity today but felt fine! My face was RED HOT!!! LOL

3.02 Miles
33:40 minutes
11:02 Pace

Easy 10K

I started this run off worried since I hadn't really run much during the week since we had just came home from vacation and my legs HURT! A very trusted running source told me to NOT focus on injury, just take it easy and listen to my body which is just what I did.

It took about 2 1/2 miles for the pain to go away in my right leg but then I felt great. Didn't push myself so overall it was an easy run!

6.2 miles
1:16:39 time
12:21 pace

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I should have run Monday AND yesterday but really had to recover from the weekend!! We got home at 1am yesterday morning and I was BEAT! I didn't think running the 14miler, showering and packing up to head out to lunch and airport was going to be that big of a deal...but add the 2hr time difference when we got to Vegas and the rush I got when we arrived, I couldn't "relax"....LOL!

There was no way I could have run yesterday, I could barely walk! I am concerned why my right lower leg just ACHES after these runs when I push it supposed to hurt? I hobbled for the first 5 minutes or so today but then felt fine. I don't know, this is all new to me...I'm a NEWBIE runner for goodness sake and am just trying to figure it all out!

Ran today at 9:30 and it was GREAT! Weather was awesome, sun was shining....this was the perfect morning for a run! I felt like I was awake and energized!

2.9 miles
30:00 min
10:42 pace

14 Miler!

Well, it was my LONGEST run to date and it was AWESOME!!!! Felt great, no stomach issues, NO PEE BREAK....just a really great run! Made me feel confident about the Half Marathon coming up and excited about the long runs for my marathon training! :o)

Took an ice bath as soon as I was able to creep up the stairs and then we were off to Vegas for our 10 year anniversary!!! Walked all weekend, half the time in heels....ouch! LOL

14 miles
13.16 avg pace

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pushed myself today for sure! Started off with one sore shin, ended with two sore shins and a side stitch but I feel okay now so that's a plus! :o)

I tried to drink some Accelerade to see how my stomach does before Saturday's 14miler but I couldn't swallow it...did NOT like it! I think I may have measured wrong and will have to check it out to make sure.

I'm really torn about this training thing. Not sure what to do. Some say PACE TRAIN, HEART RATE ZONE TRAIN, JUST RUN.....oh boy, decisions, decisions.....

I think I'm going to order this book today but may see if I can get out to take a peek at it first.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Untitled by ginaauditore at Garmin Connect - Details

Trying to track my training using Garmin Connect instead of Daily Mile. I love that it has all the elevation and heart rate details but I can't figure out how to track the miles for my shoes or how to have the little widget on my blog...hmmmmm!

Untitled by ginaauditore at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sore Throat, Ear Aches, Congestion....ugh...

Oh these allergies will be the death of me!!! Is it allergies? Is it a cold? Gotta love living in the Austin area...NOT!!! I don't know what's going on! I do know that two of my good friends both got sick right before they did their triathlons so what goes on in your training? Does your immune system get compromised when you are running and/or working out 4+ times a week? Why do alot of us get "sick" symptoms when we are doing something that's supposed to be "healthy" for us!?

I'm only running 4 days a week and watching what I eat, but maybe I'm not eating enough? I don't know!! I wish I had a nutritionist sometimes I swear! Just give me a meal and running plan and keep it stupid simple for me PLEASE! Well I know that's not going to happen so the internet is my friend or maybe my enemy..."frenemy"???!! Who knows! All I know is that this whole training thing is new for me. I can follow a plan, but it has to be put in very simple terms...the more complex the less "fun" it is and we all know Gina needs it to be fun! LOL

Not sure what I'm doing...

Taking Zyrtec...check
Drinking Emergen C twice a day...check
Trying to get better at my water intake....check
Trying to stay on the vitamin bandwagon...check

Oh Consistency...where are you?! I NEED MORE CONSISTENCY!

Well, off to brunch with friends and then my 4 miler today!
Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting excited about my first Half Marathon in 3 weeks!! Not about doing the 13 miles, but more about it being the halfway point to doing my FIRST MARATHON in February!! *WOOT*

I'm doing this race to support a very special family in their journey to adopting a child from India. If you'd like to read more about it, check out their story over here. You can also donate to their cause on that page.


The Real Me by Natalie Grant

This song came on my iPod this morning and it helped me get through my run. The allergies, coughing and tailbone pain was making it tough for me today!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


With Chris out of town today, I didn't have a choice but to run on the treadmill. I hate hate hate treadmills! But, I am thankful that my sister has one in our garage and despite staring at the toolbox and refrigerator, I had a good little run. Tried to keep it between 5.0 and 6.0. Had to drop it down to 4.5 a couple of times because I was running out of breath....gotta love Austin and Ragweed!

Thinking about the Half Marathon and getting a little anxious today. Not because I have to run 13.1 miles, because I already know I can do it. It's just that HALF is just that, HALF of what I start training to do the FULL of the week after The Chosen Race. :o) OMG!! The thought of a full marathon just freaks me out! I "know" I can do it, there's just that other Gina inside of me that tells me I'm crazy for even trying to do it and that I will fail.

BUT, I will just keep pushin' along . . .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Overcoming my MIND!!!

I, like many of us, battle my mind in ALL I do! I can discourage my self so much that I forget how far I've come. So, I thought it would be a good idea to blog about my running journey so I can look back and feel encouraged that I'm moving along, no matter how slow of a pace I may have. :o)

It's MY race, MY pace.

So here we go!