Sunday, October 24, 2010

Now We Begin Marathon Training!!!

Kim and I before our 1st Half Marathon 10/23/10

This lady has been by my side from DAY ONE! She keeps me laughing, is always there at the crack of dawn knocking at my door or picking me up for a run, follows along on my crazy NEW plans/ideas! It all started with a little 5K, moved along to a 10K and jumped on over to a TRIATHLON (totally HER idea though!), now it's 2 half marathons in 2 weeks and then on over to our FIRST MARATHON in February!

We began with doing walk/run intervals and while training for this half, Kim agreed to ditch the intervals and straight up RUN! And we did it! WE ARE RUNNERS!!!! :o)

It only took 2 ladies and some crazy goals and here we are! Running with a buddy is the best and I HIGHLY encourage any of you out there with an idea to maybe try something NEW, grab a crazy friend and GO FOR IT! It is LIFECHANGING! We run for different reasons but I don't think either of us would be where we are if we were doing it solo.

So what's next for us? Hmmmmmm......Boston......Ironman......WHO KNOWS! LOL

Love you Kimmers!


  1. You're a NUT!!! Love to you too, my friend!!! I'm up for just about anything, provided I can live through it!!! LMAO!!!! :o)

  2. So proud of you Gina!! And that is a great time! Way to go Kim! What an incredible thing to experience as friends!

    I am so proud of you!!! And I love you!

  3. You'll live through anything Kimmers! Amanda, love you too! Thanks for your words, you are my running idol! :o)
